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Worldwide trends

Pearce N, Aït-Khaled N, Beasley R, Mallol J, Keil U, Mitchell E, Robertson C; and the ISAAC Phase Three Study Group.Worldwide trends in the prevalence of asthma symptoms: phase III of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC).Thorax. 2007 Sep;62(9):758-66.
Worldwide trends

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Obesity and its relationship with asthma prevalence and severity in adolescents from southern Brazil.
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Sole D, Wandalsen GF, Camelo-Nunes IC, Naspitz CK; ISAAC - Brazilian Group.
Prevalence of symptoms of asthma, rhinitis, and atopic eczema among Brazilian children and adolescents identified by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) - Phase 3.

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Geographic variation in the prevalence of asthma symptoms in Spanish children and adolescents. International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase 3, Spain
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Liao MF, Huang JL, Chiang LC, Wang FY, Chen CY.
Prevalence of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema from ISAAC survey of schoolchildren in Central Taiwan.
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Cassol VE, Rizzato TM, Teche SP, Basso DF, Hirakata VN, Maldonado M, Colpo E, Sole D.
Prevalence and severity of asthma among adolescents and their relationship with the body mass index
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2005 Jul-Aug;81(4):305-9.

Mata Fernandez C, Fernandez-Benitez M, Perez Miranda M, Guillen Grima F.
Validation of the Spanish version of the Phase III ISAAC questionnaire on asthma.
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Wong GW, Leung TF, Ko FW, Lee KK, Lam P, Hui DS, Fok TF, Lai CK.
Declining asthma prevalence in Hong Kong Chinese schoolchildren.
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Hong SJ, Lee MS, Sohn MH, Shim JY, Han YS, Park KS, Ahn YM, Son BK, Lee HB; Korean ISAAC Study Group.
Self-reported prevalence and risk factors of asthma among Korean adolescents: 5-year follow-up study, 1995-2000.
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Arnedo-Pena A, Garcia-Marcos L, Blanco-Quiros A, Martinez Gimeno A, Aguinaga Ontoso I, Gonzalez Diaz C, Diaz Vazquez C, Busquets-Monge R, Morales Suarez-Varela M, Batlles Garrido J, Lopez-Silvarrey Varela A, Garcia de Andoin N.
Time trends in prevalence of symptoms of allergic rhinitis in 13-14 year-old schoolchildren in 8 areas of Spain between 1993-1994 and 2001-2002 according to the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC)
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Ellwood P, Asher MI, Beasley R, Clayton TO, Stewart AW; ISAAC Steering Committee.
The international study of asthma and allergies in childhood (ISAAC): phase three rationale and methods.
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Time trends and geographical variations in the prevalence of symptoms of allergic rhinitis in 6-7-year-old children from eight areas of Spain according to the ISAAC
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Annus T, Riikjarv MA, Rahu K, Bjorksten B.
Modest increase in seasonal allergic rhinitis and eczema over 8 years among Estonian schoolchildren.
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BCG Immunization at Birth and Atopic Diseases in a Homogeneous Population of Spanish Schoolchildren.
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