En esta sección mostramos una selección de citas bibliográficas de interés para quien desee profundizar en el tema.
Sobre el asma y su relación con la atopia-alergia
1.-Martinez F. Definition, risk factors and early natural history. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 1995; 151: s1-244.
2.-Savcdev HP, Vasanti B, Satyanarayana L, Puri PK. Simple predictors to differentiate acute asthma froma ARI in children: implications for refining case management in the ARI Control Programme. Indian Pediatrc 1994; 31: 1251-9
3.-Martinez FD. What we have learned from the Tucson Children´s Respiratory Study? Paediatr Respir Rev 2002; 193-7
4.-Van Asperen PP, Mukhi A. Role of atopy in the natural history of wheeze and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in childhood. Pediatrc Allergy Immunol 1994; 178-83
5.-Phelan PD, Robertson CF, Olinsky A. The Melbourne Asthma Study 1964-1999. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002; 109: 189-194
6.-Seidler A, Schauld M, Raum E, Schwartz FW. Predictors of follow-up course of asthma complaints in early childhood – results od a follow-up study. Klin Padiatr 1998; 210: 24-9.
6.-National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert Panel Report: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (EPR-3). Disponible en (Fecha de acceso 23/12/2016)
7.-Castro-Rodríguez JA, Holberg JC, Wright AL , Martinez FD. A clinical index to define risk of asthma in young children with recurrent wheezing. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 162: 1403-1406
8.-Wahn U. What drives the allergic march?. Allergy 2000; 55: 591-599
9.-Hofer MF. Atopic dermatitis: the first allergic step in children Rev Med Suisse Romande 2000 Mar;120(3):263-7.
10.-Hattevig G y cols. Appearance of IgE antibodies to ingested and inhaled allergens during the first 12 years of life in atopic and non-atopic children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1993;4:182-86.
11.-Kulig M y cols. Long-lasting sensitization to food during the first two years precedes allergic airway disease. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1998;9:61-67
12.-Sherrill D.L. y cols Total IgE and its association with asthma symptoms and allergic sensitization among children. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999;104:28-36.
13.-Tariq S.M. y cols. The prevalence of and risk factors for atopy in early chilhood: A whole population birth cohort study. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998;101:587-93
14.-Nickel R. y cols. Sensitization to hen’s egg at the age of twelve months is predictive for allergic sensitization to common indoor and outdoor allergens at the age of three years. J Allergy Clin Immnunol 1997;99:613-17.
Dermatitis atópica
1.-Rajka G: Dermatitis atópica. En Rook Aj, Maibach HI eds. Recents advances in dermatology-6. Churchill Livinstone, Edinburgh, 1983.
2.-European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis. Severity scoring of atopic dermatitis. Dermatology 1993; 186: 23-31.
Pruebas de alergia
1.-Ten R, Klein J, Frigas E. Allergy skin testing. Mayo Clin Proc 1995: 70: 783-784.
2.-Bousquet J. In vivo methods for study of allergy; skin tests, techniques and interpretation. En Middlenton, Reed, Ellis, Adkinson & Yunginger (eds). Allergy: Principles and practice. St Louis: The CV Mosby Co; 1988: 419-36.
3.-Allergen standardization and skin test. Position Paper. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Allergy 1993; 48 (suppl14): 44-82
4.-Lilja G, Oman H, Johansson SG. Development of atopic disease during childhood and its prediction by Phadiatop Paediatric. Clin Exp Allergy 1996 Sep;26(9):1073-9
5.-Sigurs N y cols. Sensitization in childhood atopic disease identified by Phadebas RAST, serum IgE and Phadiatop. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1990;1:74-78.
6.-Lilja G, Kusoffsky E, Johansson SG, Oman H . Screening of atopic allergy in 5-year-old children--a comparison of the diagnostic properties of Phadiatop Paediatric and Phadiatop. Allergy 1995 Apr;50(4):316-21.
7.-Morell JJ, Bamonde L, Mora I, Pascual J. Diagnóstico etiopatogénico del asma. En: Cano A, Díaz C, Montón JL. (eds).Asma en el niño y adolescente, 2ª ed. Madrid: Editorial Ergón 2004.
8.-Larraud L, Lasierra M. Metodos de diagnóstico en alergia (II): técnicas in vitro. En Martin Mateos Ed. Tratado de Alergologia Pediatrica.Madrid. Ergon, 2002. 89-125
9.-Kam KL, Hsieh KH Comparison of three in vitro assays for serum IgE with skin testing in asthmatic children. Ann Allergy 1994 Oct;73(4):329-36
10.-Plebani M, Borghesan F, Faggian D Clinical efficiency of in vitro and in vivo tests for allergic diseases. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1995 Jan;74(1):23-8
11.-Dolen WK. Skin testing and immunoassays for allergen-specific IgE:a workshop report. An Allergy Asthma Immunol 1999; 82: 407-12
12.-Mora Gandarillas I, Morell Bernabé JJ y Grupo de Vías Respiratorias. Protocolo de Identificación de la Alergia. El Pediatra de Atención Primaria y la Identificación de la Alergia. Protocolo del GVR (publicación P-GVR-3) [consultado 23/12/2016]. Disponible en:
13.- Castillo JA. La exploración del niño alérgico. FAPap Monogr. 2016;2:2-11